You may have done something cool tonight. Perhaps you watched something good on TV, maybe you went to the gym, possibly you even walked on the moon. Well, I got you beat, because, with my new work group, I ate unhealthy appetizers and went bowling. Why do those things go together, always? Oh yeah, and I guess it should be pointed out that most everyone else in the "alley" was complementing their no-tread shoes on a slippery floor by downing stabilizing glasses of beer.
Let it be known that I am a master of bowling in much the same way that I'm a much sought after expert in hair care products, although I may have forgotten a few things since male-pattern baldness kicked in at the age of 19. I have heard the snickers (and tonight I sensed them from a crowd too polite to give sound to their thoughts) as others marvel at my bowling "form." (emphasis on the "air quotes") Yeah, I'm pretty bad.
So here I sit with a bit of a blister on my toe and I'm actually slightly sore. Pitiful, I know. Still, a good time was had by all, including the HTF. An odd thing with bowling is - we pay money, probably too much, to roll a ball. To roll a ball?! To roll a ball while we wear funny shoes . . . that we also pay for. It's understandable that we get distracted by cheesy-fries and mozzarella sticks. Some make little funny jokes about bowling. But we've all done it and we'll do it again. These are the relics of "culture" - and culture is always better with a little cheese on top.